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Transporter & Installer Insurance

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The process involved in buying a manufactured or mobile home is definitely one-of-a-kind. Unlike with traditional homes, manufactured homes are hardly ever bought on the property that it plans on staying on. As such, they will eventually need to look for means to get moved to their final locations.

Whether you want to sell and transport your manufactured home inventory or actually want to haul manufactured and mobile homes to their final locations, you will need to take several things into consideration before providing any of these services. When working with us you can rest assured during each mobile home's transport.

Whenever big objects need to be moved from place to place, a certain degree of liability will be involved. The vehicle moving the object might get into an accident or the modular or manufactured home might get damaged during transit. Because of this, regular vehicle insurance simply won't be enough to keep property safe. You will have to depend on a good insurance team who really understands every risk involved.

As vital as it might be to protect mobile homes in transit, there are other risks that you will need to be aware of to keep yourself safe when installing a new owner's manufactured or modular home. After all, damage or improper installation to the home during this installation can be expensive and you might have to pay for those expenses if you aren't careful. Although dangerous factors are involved during this installation, like water lines, gas lines and electricity, property damage isn't the only thing that you should be worried about. If the property burns down or if people get hurt because of improper installation, for example, your entire business's reputation could go down the drain altogether.

By working with our expert team, you can get the coverage that you need to transport modular, mobile and manufactured homes with ease, including Toter Liability Insurance, Cargo Insurance and General Liability Insurance.

We also work alongside ethical and fair insurance companies that are more than willing to provide coverage at the best possible insurance values.

Regardless of what may happen during transit, your clients' homes will stay safe with the right insurance coverage.