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22 Simple Ways to Burglar-Proof a Mobile Home

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Even in the safest of communities, thieves are just waiting for the opportunity to strike. An attack on your home can endanger your family and destroy your peace of mind. To prevent this from happening and to make your mobile home and community a much safer place, here are 22 easy ways to burglar-proof a mobile home.

Outside Your Mobile Home

1. Avoid placing boxes for big-ticket items such as flat-screen TVs and video game consoles at the curb until garbage day. Cut them up if possible. Otherwise, you are advertising the loot that is inside your home.

2. Avoid letting mail and newspapers pile up while you are on vacation. Have a neighbor or friend pick up your mail and newspapers or send the paper and post office a request to hold items while you gone.

3. Remove the name from the outside of your mailbox. Thieves can cross-reference the address with the name to get a phone number and check to see if you are home.

4. Install outdoor lights if allowed by your community. Attractive solar lights illuminate shrubbery and light walkways. Motion-sensing lights in the front and back of your home can scare away thieves. Be sure that the outside lights are accessible only by ladder. This will prevent thieves from standing on a deck, steps or other items and removing bulbs.

5. Plant prickly shrubs, cactus or rose bushes around the mobile home. Make sure to keep them trimmed so that thieves can’t hide behind them.

6. Make sure your outside doors are strong and have cylinder locks plus deadbolts. Some older mobile homes have doors with the hinges on the outside. Consider upgrading to a newer model door.

7. Secure sheds and outbuildings just as you would your home. Put locks on the doors and place wire mesh over any windows.

8. Put up a Beware of Dog sign to ward off casual thieves looking for a new target.

9. Don’t leave a spare key outside. Thieves know to look under plants, fake rocks and welcome mats. Leave it with a trusted neighbor or the community manager.

10. Secure pet entrances with a lock when you are on vacation.

11. Stow all tools and ladders that could possibly tempt or assist a would-be thief.

12. Make sure skirting is secure, sturdy and doesn’t allow potential thieves a place to hide.

Inside Your Mobile Home

13. Close all blinds and lock windows while you are away so thieves can’t see what you have inside and won’t have an easy way inside.

14. If you still have a home telephone, turn down the ringer. Thieves won’t hear it ring when you are away.

15. Keep a lamp or radio on a timer to make it seem like someone is home even when you are away.

16. Consider installing a modular security system or company-monitored security system. Modular systems can be purchased online or at hardware stores. Place decals and signs for the system or company in conspicuous locations such as windows and the front lawn.

17. Install safety film on windows close to door handles. The film makes the glass tougher to break and frustrates would-be thieves.

18. Let the police know if you will be away for a long period and ask them to keep an eye on your home. Most police and sheriff’s departments will be happy to help.

19. Consult with an insurance agent specializing in mobile homes about obtaining a policy for the contents of your home. While insurance coverage might not keep thieves at bay, it will give you peace of mind knowing your valuables can be replaced.


20. Contact your local police or sheriff’s department about creating a Neighborhood Watch program.

21. Watch for unfamiliar cars cruising your community or strange activity and report it to the police and community manager.

22. Talk to your neighbors and look out for each other. Neighbors working together make a great crime-prevention team.



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